Scott Wren. Senior Global Market Strategist for Wells Fargo brought our program on June 3rd. He shared his views on market strategy and his outlook for the US and world economies. One has to admire his courage given that after the Dow Jones reached an all time high on February 19th it has suffered the worst quarterly contraction since World War II. And who could have predicted last week's gain of over 1700 points.
Scott Wren. Senior Global Market Strategist for Wells Fargo brought our program on June 3rd. He shared his views on market strategy and his outlook for the US and world economies. One has to admire his courage given that after the Dow Jones reached an all time high on February 19th it has suffered the worst quarterly contraction since World War II. And who could have predicted last week's gain of over 1700 points.
Of course added to market volatility is the COVD 19 pandemic. Overall Mr. Wren forecasted that 2020 will at best remain flat with modest growth in 2021 and continued low interest rates and low inflation. He foresees an increase in the manufacturing sector in the US. In terms of market segments he believes that domestic stocks will outperform international stocks. He expressed a preference for large and mid-cap. stocks over small-cap. US companies. So there you have it. Good luck on your stock portfolio for the rest of 2020.
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