Our meeting on May 16th was a special annual event at which we recognize our DREAM Team scholars for the 2020-2021 school year. First to speak was the Assistant Principal of Woodrow Wilson High School, Stephen Wood, who reported that despite the problems created by the Covid virus that 93% of Woodrow's seniors graduated. The good news continued from there.
Ashley Almanza will be attending Wake Forest University in the fall. In addition to the DREAM Team scholarship other academic aid will insure that she can graduate debt free. MacKenzie Amaya will attend Quachita Baptist College where she will play softball and will seek a degree in nursing. Chet Pai spoke on behalf of his mentee Chris Olvera who will study at THE University of Texas at Austin. Jasmine Darwish,president of Woodrow's student body, will be moving to Paris, France to live with her father while attending Dallas County Community College on line for her first year of college. Dana DeVance Clarissa Smith's mentor reported that Clarrisa is already in College Station where she will begin her studies at Texas A&M University pursuing a degree in sports medicine.
Miles Zitmore, the chairman for the day reported on ROI which is stock market jargon for "Return on Investment." As examples he reported on past scholarship recipient Ester Castillo, a sophomore at the University of North Texas who is working as a Dallas Bar intern this summer at an immigration law firm. Elizabeth Escamilla is working as a data analyst at Ernst&Young after attending Richland College. Brenda Balderos, a 2010 Woodrow grad, earned BA and MBA degrees from TWU and was manager of The Star in Frisco until 2018 when she went to work at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Jeff and Becky Bosque mentored Brenda Martinez as a student before she entered UNT, where she graduated with honors and was befriended by Bob and Mary Dilworth as well. Brenda is now a school teacher and her four Rotary friends had the pleasure of attending her wedding this Past February.
An inspiring day for our DREAM Team recipients and our motto of "Service Above Self."