On March 3rd Ms.Tracee Bond , the interim director of the White Rock Center of Hope, was our speaker. The Center is supported among others by the Boy Scouts of America and John Gilbert, the District Executive for BSA was a club visitor. Charlie Moerle has been involved with Scouts in helping supply food to the Center.
The Center was started by philanthropic individuals in 1989 to provide food, clothing,and financial assistance to individuals living in two area Zip codes and in its first years served a little over 800 persons.
In calendar year 2020 the White Rock Center's outreach soared to providing 400,000 pounds of food, 27,000 items of clothing in its store for sale and $87,000 in financial assistance. The financial aid pays for a myriad of needs including rent and utilities. Currently the Center helps 20 families a month and follow-ups show that such family units have a 70 to 85 % stability rate three months after the assistance. Financial aid is limited to once a year. The Center is a member of the North Texas Food Bank and food distribution takes place 5 days a week to approximately 500 families a month.