McDuff was given three death sentences that were reduced to life imprisonment as a result of the 1972 U.S. Supreme Court ruling Furman v. Georgia. He was paroled in 1989 and went on to kill six more including one he killed the day after his parole.. It was later learned that members of the parole board received bribes including chairman James Granberry. Sixty former death row inmates were paroled as well as many others who had lesser crimes. He was executed in 1998.
His last words were: "Warden, I'm ready to be released." It showed he wanted to be in charge until the last moment.
Riggs gave Gov. Ann Richards major credit for significant prison development after the debacle of releasing dozens of prisoners because of overcrowding.
He also noted the city of Austin's cutbacks of police budgets has had a significant negative impact on crime in the city. It's rising.
This and many other crime stories are told on Riggs '