We started the New Year on January 6th with a presentation from Chuck Cooperstein the voice of the Dallas Mavericks on 103.3 FM for the past sixteen years. Everyone has been affected in multiple ways since the advent of COVID 19 but as a sportscaster he has faced some problems unique to his profession such as having his view of the action at a game limited to what can be seen on television. Until March 16th he was imbedded with the team in their away games. Also since NBA teams have limited access to players there are no longer locker room interviews and Chuck has not been able to meet newly acquired Mavericks.
Some positives have come out of our lockdowns. Chuck says he's had time to play plenty of golf and more importantly has more time to devote to volunteering. He and his wife have been active in many philanthropies over the years and currently deliver Meals on Wheels and are active at food distribution centers.
Chuck also shared a little personal history. Born in New York he practiced play by play in his basement at the age of thirteen. He started broadcasting for real at the University of Florida's campus station. From there he went to New York City, to eight years at KRLD where he fell in love with Dallas and to Philly before coming back to Dallas at The Ticket before going to the Mavs. He noted the importance of connections in his life and concluded by noting his luck in being in a very small group of folks doing sportscasting.