On September 18th we were visited by District Governor Beverly Grogan. She reported on the "New Rotary" which includes some major changes such as a deletion of the attendance requirements while also liberalizing"make ups" for those who seek to have perfect attendance by allowing credit for any meeting attended within the Rotary Year. Promoting e-clubs and meeting time flexibility are also new.
On September 18th we were visited by District Governor Beverly Grogan. She reported on the "New Rotary" which includes some major changes such as a deletion of the attendance requirements while also liberalizing"make ups" for those who seek to have perfect attendance by allowing credit for any meeting attended within the Rotary Year. Promoting e-clubs and meeting time flexibility are also new.
Beverly reported that Rotary International will be recognized at the United Nations 75th Anniversary Celebration for RI's commitment to promoting world peace and understanding. She also reported District 5810's support for "End Polio Now" with a gala later this year. She reminded that challenge grants for eradication will multiply each dollar given four fold.The district is working on a mission to Navajo country in Arizona and New Mexico to construct cisterns and to install solar energy panels.
Beverly invited members to join her and other Rotarians on New Year's Eve to work on RI's float in the Rose Parade in Pasadena.