You can hardly get anymore topical than our meeting on April 8th presented by Dr. Jaime Davidson. He spoke on "Separating Facts From Myths" relating to the Covid 19 virus.
You can hardly get anymore topical than our meeting on April 8th presented by Dr. Jaime Davidson. He spoke on "Separating Facts From Myths" relating to the Covid 19 virus. Having served as a consultant for the Center for Disease Control he has a unique perspective on the spread of a brand new virus which has taken on a worldwide scope and for which humanity has no immunity. Although his primary focus at the UT Southwestern Medical Center is on diabetes there is a correlation between diabetes as a underlying medical condition rendering sufferers more vulnerable to more serious outcomes from infection by Covid 19.
Dr. Davidson reviewed the data from China where the virus was first encountered in humans and from Italy, Spain and the US in terms of numbers of cases and deaths. Unfortunately in the ensuing week the figures have risen dramatically. Perhaps the most important facts which he emphasized were the need to wash hands often,,don't touch your face,nose or eyes, stay sheltered at home as much as possible, keep six feet away whenever you need to be in public, and wear a face mask whenever you need to go out. And perhaps the most important myth to dispel is that there are no cures or vaccines are available at this time.
Watch the FULL program on YouTube here - https://youtu.be/LkmtPmdVR6Y