The Club was introduced to a little known feature of North Texas at our meeting on May 26th. Bill Hutmacher, a member of of the No.1 British Flying Training School Museum's board described how a flying school was opened in Terrell from 1941 to 1945 to train pilots for the RAF. Because of our neutrality in 1941 the trainees had to resign from the RAF and be trained by civilians.
Most of the 2000 Brits that came to Terrell were lads of 17 to 18 years old. They enjoyed the food and sights of Dallas and were welcomed into the homes of Terrell. Life long friendships were made along with several marriages. One trainee returned to the US, became a citizen and served as mayor of Terrell from1998 to 2000.
In addition to the museum the graves of 20 who died in training are located in the Oakland Memorial Cemetery and are lovingly maintained. The flags of the US, Canada and Great Britain fly every day ,representing the nationalities of those departed men.